Welcome to The Polesworth School Sixth Form @ Tomlinson Hall

Tomlinson Hall is a popular and thriving Sixth Form Centre where examination results are well above average. We offer a wide range of A level and vocational courses for students of all levels and abilities.

While most of our students have attended the main school we welcome applications from students who live outside the catchment area as well.

The Polesworth School has an outstanding reputation for high quality teaching and delivering excellent results across all key stages. In the Sixth Form we aim to build on studentsā€™ successes at GCSE by offering progression to academic Level 3 courses which will prepare students for Further or Higher Education, apprenticeships or the world of employment.

For more information about our Sixth Form, please contact the school by telephone on 01827 702205 or email: sixthformadmissions@thepolesworthschool.com


My Child

Parent Pay

16-19 Bursary

Entry Criteria

Key Dates

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Half Term

17th - 21st February

School Closed to Pupils

24th February