OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 in Health & Social Care
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Why choose Health and Social Care?
Young people taking their first steps towards a new career need the right blend of technical and academic skills in order to become the highly skilled, work-ready individuals, employers and universities look for. This is a vocational qualification designed to help learners succeed. It has been developed in collaboration with universities, employers and professional bodies with employability at the heart, Students may choose this subject because they have an interest in social or health studies and wish to pursue a career in that direction or it may just complement the other Level 3 courses chosen (e.g.) Sociology, Biology, History, or Law.
This qualification will allow students to achieve their potential & progress to the next stage of their lives, whether it is in Higher Education, an apprenticeship, or employment.
This level 3 qualification is on a par with an A level and it is recognised both by universities & employers.
What do students say?
‘Health and Social Care has given me transferable knowledge that I will apply in my nursing degree next year.’
‘Health and Social Care has expanded on my communication skills through the ‘communication’ coursework topic.’
‘Health and social Care has helped me explore a range of roles in various Health & Social Care settings.’
OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Certificate in Health & Social Care
Extended Certificate (360 GLH) QN: 601/7060/8 Link: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/cambridge-technicals/health-and-social-care/planning-and-teaching/#level-3
Syllabus outline:
Year 12
Unit 1 – Building Positive Relationships in Health and Social Care
This unit aims to introduce you to the many different relationships that you will encounter within the Health and Social Care sector, whether with colleagues, senior members of staff, other professionals within the sector and individuals who require care and support. You will apply communication and relationship building skills in a practical way, considering how different factors, including context, can impact on the building of positive relationships. You will also be introduced to the concept of the person-centred approach which will help with your relationship building.
Unit 2 – Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care
This unit will help you to understand the implications of diversity on practice and also the effects of discrimination on individuals who require care or support. You will also gain an appreciation of how legislation and national initiatives can support anti-discriminatory practice.
Strategies used to promote equality, respect diversity and support individuals’ rights will be examined. You will develop the ability to recognise both good practice, and discriminatory practice in care situations. You will develop the judgement and decision making skills to choose appropriate responses to care situations and determine a course of action to promote the equality, diversity and rights of individuals in care settings.
Unit 3 – Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care
This unit introduces you to health, safety and security in health and social care. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to equip you in maintaining a safe working environment for yourself, your colleagues and individuals who require care and support. You will learn how legislation, policies and procedures work to reduce risks in health and social care and the consequences of not following them. You will also learn how to respond to different incidents and emergencies within health and social care settings.
Unit 13 – Sexual Health, Reproduction and Early Development Stages
Health and wellbeing is not just relevant when you are an adult; it is just as relevant when you are a child and, as this unit demonstrates, health and wellbeing is of vital importance even before you are born. Students consider, how can you be sexually healthy? What types of contraception are available? What is the process of birth? They also take into consideration of the health and wellbeing of an individual who is pregnant and how the process of birth is impacted by many factors.
Year 13
Unit 4 – Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care
This unit aims to introduce you to the basic structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, including cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. You will also understand the part played by organs such as the pancreas, liver and kidney. You will investigate the systems and organs involved in detecting and responding to change such as the nervous system as well as the eyes and ears.
The body is affected by well-known diseases, disorders and malfunctions. As such it is important to understand the effects on individuals and what has to be done on a daily basis to enable them to lead as full and independent life as possible.
Unit 24 – Public Health
Health and wellbeing extends further than the individual and the implication of poor health has wider impacts on a community, area and even the country. Students look at how public health is protected. There are many external factors to good health. Students take into consideration how to protect and improve health of the population, focusing on their local area. The unit helps to develop an understanding of the ways public health and wellbeing is promoted in order to benefit society as a whole and to reduce health inequalities.
Assessment details:
Year 12 – Unit 1 – Coursework 60GLH
Unit 2 – Exam 60GLH
Unit 3 – Exam 60GLH
Unit 13 – Coursework 60GLH
Year 13 – Unit 4 – Exam 90GLH
Unit 24 – Coursework 30GLH
Career Choice
Health and Social Care is a valuable subject dealing with current issues. It provides an excellent basis for many higher education courses and employment.
Possible careers – Social Work, Nursery Nurse, Care Worker, Nutritionist, Sports nutrition, Childhood nutrition, Dietician, Health visitor, Nursing, Environmental Health, Occupational therapist, Counsellor, Physiotherapist and Food Scientist.
Entry Criteria and Person Specification
You do not need to have studied Health and Social Care before to study this subject. A willingness to learn and enthusiasm are more important. If you are someone who thrives on variety and a balance of coursework and exams you would definitely benefit from studying this qualification. You should be organised and meet coursework deadlines and be able to work independently to some extent. An interest in landmark cases in Health and social care for example, the Rochdale grooming case or Stafford Hospital would also be important. Learning the knowledge required for the exams is vital but applying the knowledge to different health care scenarios in different settings is more so. Coursework is essay based but you are provided with a structure to assist you. Exams are a mixture of short and longer essay style answers. Through this subject you can develop the skills and confidence you will need to step into their future role, apprenticeship or as a pathway to higher education.
Summer Holiday Transition Project
You have been appointed as one of the experts who will be investigation a service in your local community. You need to choose a:
- A health service
- A social care service
- An early years service
Task 1: The roles of people who work in care services
Task 2: The needs of clients and the types of services that exist to meet their needs
Task 3: How services can be obtained and possible barriers to accessing services
Task 4: You will complete a learning log, detailing documentaries you have watched and books you have read.
Task 5: Finally you will complete project work on public health and the roles of practitioners such as teachers, doctors or care workers.
Trips and visits
The school has links with local Health, Social and Early Years practitioners who visit to put the learning Ito context and provide real life examples of the issues within the subject. We have links with St Giles Hospice and the Manna House Day Nursery. Newman University offer taster days one of which Year 12 visit to see the opportunities available to them.
Learning Journey
Text Book
Maria Ferreiro Peteiro et al
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care (2016)
UK ed. Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1471874765
Revision Guide
Judith Adams
Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care My Revision Notes (2016)
For further information please email Mrs Miller-Jones: h.miller-jones@thepolesworthschool.com