Programmes of Study
Students in The Polesworth School Sixth Form @ Tomlinson Hall follow a 2 year Level 3 programme of study. We offer a wide range of A level courses covering the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences as well as a number of vocational subjects. The majority of students take 3 subjects.
A Level Reform
September 2017 marked the final year of a three year programme of A Level reform. The main features of the new A Level qualifications are:
- Assessment mainly by exam with other types of assessment, such as coursework, used only where they are needed to test essential skills.
- Increased subject and factual content.
- AS and A Levels decoupled: AS (where taken) no longer count towards full A Level grades.
- Examinations taken at the end of Y13; courses no longer divided into modules; AS results discounted if a student takes that subject on to full A Level.
While some subjects enter students for AS at the end of Year 12, the majority of subjects offer full A Level only.