
The Polesworth school is committed to providing for all of its young people a broad, balanced and personalised education.  At Key Stage Three, Years 7-9, the emphasis is upon providing students with a varied diet of studies across a wide range of subjects.  Personalisation is achieved through high quality teaching.  Further, corrective literacy and numeracy schemes and 1 to 1 tuition are used to support the literacy and numeracy of those students who need this. Small-group Latin tuition is offered to those who are most able in English and other languages.

At age 14, students are given the opportunity to choose some of their courses for Years 10 and 11, in order to pursue particular interests or strengths. At this ‘Options’ stage, students choose freely from the subjects on offer, rather than having to follow a specific pathway.  By providing an extended core of studies and allowing a free choice of options, The Polesworth School aims to allow students to follow a curriculum which is balanced, stimulating and of interest to them.  GCSE Astronomy is offered as a curriculum enhancement subject in after-school sessions.

This gradual specialisation continues into our Sixth Form, where students have a free rein to choose combinations from, currently, twenty-seven subjects.

Curriculum Organisation

Our timetable is organised into fifty one-hour lessons per fortnight.  In addition, there is a daily tutorial lesson of twenty five minutes.

Content: Years 7-9

All students in Years 7-9 study a core of 13 subjects. In English, English Literature, Science, French, German and Religious Studies, students begin work on GCSE courses at points during Year 9 as appropriate to the particular subject.  The breakdown in terms of curriculum time is as follows:

Year 7 lessons

Year 8 lessons

Year 9 lessons

English 7 7 6
Mathematics 7 6 6
Science 7 6 6
Technology 4 5 4
Computing 1 2 1
Language(s) 4 4 4
Religious Studies 2 2 4
History 4 4 4
Geography 4 4 4
Drama & Theatre 1 1 1
Music 2 2 2
Art 2 3 3
Physical Education 5 4 5


A number of students are withdrawn from language lessons in order to follow a course of Curriculum Support from the beginning of Year 9.  These students follow a curriculum of literacy, numeracy, employability and life skills through Years 9-11, in place of a language.

Content: Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 -11 all students study a core of subjects which provide our young people with a broad and balanced diet. This core comprises English, Mathematics, Science, a foreign language, Religious Studies, Physical Education and Geography or History.  Students are also able to pursue two further courses of their choice which allows for a degree of specialisation according to students interests and aptitudes. The breakdown in terms of curriculum time is as follows:


Year 10 lessons

Year 11 lessons

English Language and English Literature GCSEs 8 8
Mathematics: GCSE (plus Statistics GCSE for the most able) 8 8
Science: GCSEs (Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Double Science) 9 11
Language: GCSE or Curriculum Support 4 5
Religious Studies: GCSE 3 3
Physical Education 3 3
History OR Geography 5 4


Year 10 lessons

Year 11 lessons


Business Studies: GCSE or BTEC Level 2

Child Development: GCSE

Classical Civilisation: GCSE

Computer Science: GCSE

Drama: GCSE

Food Technology: GCSE

Geography: GCSE

German: GCSE*

History: GCSE

Music: RSL Level 2

Physical Education: GCSE

Product Design: GCSE

Resistant Materials: GCSE

Sociology: GCSE

Textiles Technology: GCSE

Travel and Tourism: BTEC Level 2

5 each 4 each

*In summer 2017 all students, except for those in Curriculum Support groups, will be studying for French GCSE.

Content: Years 12 and 13 (The Sixth Form)

Sixth Form students at The Polesworth School follow a curriculum of four courses of their choice.  The intention is that the courses are pursued to full A Level/BTEC/RSL Level 3, although individual circumstances are considered.  Each course is allocated ten lessons per fortnight, including one lesson of directed independent study. The options currently offered to students are:

Art (A Level)

Biology (A Level)

Business Studies (A Level)

Chemistry (A Level)

Drama and Theatre (A Level)

Economics (A Level)

English Literature (A Level)

French (A Level)

Geography (A Level)

General Studies (A Level)

German (A Level)

Government and Politics (A Level)

History (A Level)

Home Economics (A Level)

Information Technology (A Level)

Mathematics (A Level)

Media Studies (A Level)

Music (BTEC Level 3)

Philosophy and Ethics (A Level)

Physical Education (A Level)

Physics (A Level)

Psychology (A Level)

Sociology (A Level)

Textiles (A Level)

Travel and Tourism (BTEC Level 3)

The Tutorial Programme

All students at The Polesworth School attend a twenty minute tutorial session five times a week.  This session contains aspects of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education, Citizenship, Literacy, Numeracy, Economic Awareness, Health Education, Internationalism and Careers.

All students from Year 7 to Year 13 follow a course of Careers Education which involves, among other things: two weeks work experience in Year 10; attendance at careers fairs at school and beyond; outside speakers and one-to one interviews with our qualified Careers Adviser.